Thursday, 19 September 2013

Autumnal awareness - find a sit spot

Heron demonstrating patient awareness at Leighton Moss, RSPB reserve
As Autumn makes its blustery presence felt we can either think it's time to 'batten down the  hatches', retreating into our homes, turning the heating up and thinking of sustaining food, stews, puddings and the like; or we can remember that we don't hibernate and start thinking of how to get the most from the conditions.

Walks that include picking fruit growing wild in hedgerows, watching the migration of birds, some leaving, others coming to stay over the winter. Changing the coats hanging in the hallway from lightweight to heavy duty waterproofs and warm layers, hats and gloves to go underneath. Getting out in daylight rather than sitting behind screens in rooms lit with artificial light. Putting bird feeders out so that the birds learn where to feed before the winter sets in.

Feeding wild birds is a great opportunity for moments of delight

Instead of, or in addition to getting the 'SAD' Lamp out (an artificial light source sometimes used by those with Seasonal Affective Disorder 'SAD') plan to get outdoors more. Grey days feel very different if you are out in them rather than being trapped inside. Find a 'sit spot', probably somewhere with some shelter from the wind and rain where, well wrapped up against the cold you can engage fully with your senses, listening, seeing feeling, and aim to visit your 'spot' every day, making it place of peace and safety in the hustle and bustle of the working day. A place where simply by remembering our place in nature we can shrug off the stresses and strains of the day for even just a few minutes.