Sunday 28 July 2013

One community

working with renowned ecologist Stephan Harding
This last week has been a journey of discovery. At Schumacher College the warmth expressed by everyone, students, volunteers, teachers and staff creates an atmosphere of openness, caring and passion. That the teachers, such as Satish Kumar, Stephan Harding, Andy Fisher, Helena Norberg-Hodge are of such quality, sharing their knowledge and their values simply enhances the experience.

Community is a strange thing, you can bring people together but it doesn't create a community. Those coming together need to share and perhaps more importantly need to give. Being in a community means contributing not taking, helping others not meeting our own needs. Yet we do take and our needs are met through being in a strong community because as we give we receive from others, as we share our values, talents and gifts others contribute theirs.

Shared values may seem obvious for a community, here people share a desire for a sustainable future, where all beings matter, not just the ones with the most money, greatest capacity to be productive or provide a desired resource. But how many of us live in communities where there are no shared values? Where you don't know the neighbours let alone share with, help and support each other.

With the planet facing crises of climate change, resource depletion, species extinction and financial meltdown perhaps it is time to deepen our mindfulness practice by identifying and sharing values, working for a sustainable future for our global community.

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