Tuesday, 29 October 2019

What happens at Xmas?

A winter campsite can be more stimulating than hours of old films at Xmas

Lots of us are talking about the climate and ecological crisis we are facing and wondering about our own contribution to the problems and whether we can have a lesser impact on the world around us. Certainly reducing our carbon footprint (check Carbon footprint ) can have an impact, whether on our own finances (buying less, saving more), our health (food and exercise choices), our communities (sharing our knowledge and experience) and on the planet itself. However what happens at Xmas?

TV advertising would have us believe we need the latest gadget, more food than some see in a year, we need to jet off on holiday, we need to consume as much as possible, and of course share our consumption on social media to influence others to do the same. Why? Does it makes us better / nicer/ kinder people? No it means we contribute more to those companies that are already causing the biggest share of of the problems. The same companies that make gross profits regardless of ecological impact, the ones who use excess packaging, make things we don’t really want or need, that don’t last, can’t be repaired, end up in landfill. The same companies that don’t pay enough tax (in any country), that pay massive executive salaries while placing the lowest paid on zero hours contracts (check Ken Loach’s film ). It is time we engaged in protecting the vulnerable, protecting the planet, protecting ourselves.

Waves crashing, sight and sound, maybe all our senses

Many of my clients complete a sense awareness inventory, where they list what makes them smile, makes them happy, brings them pleasure, makes them feel good. They do this for each of their senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. While some answers will stimulate others e.g. the smell of fresh bread and the taste of fresh bread: the sight of waves crashing and the sound of pebbles churning in the surf, what becomes obvious is that most answered to the questions involve nature and the vast majority are free. In which case what are we doing spending so much on illusions of happiness. This Christmas go for a walk, go to the beach, smile, don’t spend so much.

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