Thursday, 12 July 2012

Essence of Mindfulness

At the UK Mindfulness Trainer's Network meeting we've been discussing the qualities of the people we train - the mindfulness teachers working with the public. We've talked about trust, respect, compassion, integrity, connectedness and many more. Yet these are not just the qualities of a good teacher, they are the qualities we all need in everyday life; trusting and respecting those around us, showing compassion for others, having a connection with people, other living things, the planet. Without them we become shut off, scared of others, uncaring, miserable.
The tide goes out in Morecambe bay
Being in nature can help, seeing that things change, appreciating the beauty of a wild animal while understanding the viciousness of its food gathering, understanding the weather, the rain stops, plants grow, life goes on. All help us appreicate the life we have, the need to care, the ability to change.

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